Friday, October 8, 2010

Halo Reach: Team Swat Gameplay

As few of you know..halo reach took Team Swat out of the Team Slayer playlist and put it on its own.

This was a wise choice as it is now the 2nd most played game type.

Being so different from all the other game modes however, it splits the halo community into 2 parts.

The Swat players and the Classic Halo Players.

If you don't know..swat is a mode where all it takes is one head shot to kill someone.

This is a big difference from Regular halo as it takes around 5 or so shots to kill someone...thats if your hitting they're head.

It seems to me that people who played halo 3 still play Team slayer...but all the MW2 Kids who switched to Reach are more comfortable with Swat due to the fact its quicker kills like MW2.

For me I love both...although I am better at swat ;) Thoughts?


  1. never been a fan of halo but i must say this looks cool. gonna have to pick it up someday

  2. I've never been an Xbox owner, but have played a lot of casual Team Slayer in my day. I'd have to say I'd be much more prone to the Swat mode since, as you said it, us MW2 veterans are used to quick frags.

  3. Swat was okay on the previous ones, looks like the skill gap will be alot bigger in this one though =D

  4. How much does this game cost, btw? It looks kinda fun.

  5. Haven't had a chance to play Halo Reach, but I want to.

  6. Reach is definitely the Halo that should've been, instead of the other ones. Wish I had a 360 for this game.

  7. I'm a swat player all day man. What's your GT?

  8. nice, I can't wait to see what you have to say in your next post

  9. I was a MW2 fan but I still don't like the swat mode on Reach.

  10. i love swat and ive always been a "halo kid" over a cod fan :)

  11. nice work here... btw, I have Hayden Panetierre bubbled on Enhanced by MS Paint :P

  12. I think its cool. A game mode where skill is the main key to victory.

  13. swats so much better in reach, 3 was just douches camping as elites

  14. hmmm i never thought of it like that with the mw2 players being better at swat, makes sense

  15. Looks interesting. Now following your blog! Check out mine:

  16. Thanks for the comments on my last blog post!

  17. Thanks for the comments on my last blog post!

  18. awesome! thanks for sharing friend <3

  19. Interesting...I will have to check this out.

  20. Looks good. Maybe I'll have to put Dead Rising 2 down for a bit and get this...

  21. I just got done with my GTL session this morning, and I was amused by your post... keep up the solid work!

  22. i loved swat back in the halo 2 days. i'm glad it's coming back. good post man!

  23. wish i could get this game! =)

  24. I heard there's a special version of Halo for the gay community... It's called Halo: Reach Around.

  25. i like your post!

  26. I am terrible at FPSs, and more so those on consoles. I'm more of a Carmen Sandiego sorta guy. =p

  27. good job here!

    you just inspired more bubbles on "Enhanced by MS Paint"... check it out!

  28. this post made me open my eyes and stop squinting!!!

  29. I guess I'm a SWAT kind of guy when everything is going good, but other than that, I'd rather have some shield and armor to work with.
